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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/alisonlogann on 2023-09-10 22:32:04.

Last night my husband had some work friends over for a BBQ and drinks. I worked today and I did all the prep work/ cooking and cleaning so him and his friends could enjoy their time together. He ended up getting pretty drunk and threw up in our bathroom sink, left it, and refused to clean it up when I asked him to. His refusals included “I don’t know what to do to clean it up” and “I closed the drain on the sink and now I can’t get it open” (it’s one of the drains that you push to close and push to open) also “I don’t have time to clean it because I have to work early”. Little background on our situation, he works full time (pays 60% of bills) and I work part time(40% of bills), therefore I deal with all domestic house duties. Don’t get me wrong, I love my role in our home and I truly am happy to do it. However, this just feels like straight up disrespect. I was super upset after him feeding me excuses of why he can clean up his own vomit, he smelt horribly of liquor and was starting to raise his voice at me when he was explaining he couldn’t clean it because he “had to go to work to pay for all the things we want”. To be clear, we have our own individual bank accounts and he doesn’t pay for any of my personal bills or recreational purchases. After his exudes of why not to clean it up, I didn’t engage or continue with the argument because when you’re sober there’s no reasoning with a drunk person, so, I had asked him to sleep on the spare room. Now I just feel guilty, so tell it to me straight, and I the asshole in the situation?

  • Taleya
    5 months ago

    Hahahha nta. The other day i was so suck that a coughing jag caused a full on vomit…on one of our cats.

    I managed to hunt down, clean and dry a furious fucking cat when ragingly sick, he can clean a fucking sink.