

Elon Musk got me to stop using Twitter.


What? They’re greedy humans who are doing things that have terrible consequences out of selfishness, not mustache twirling cartoon villains out to destroy the world for destruction’s sake. I’m sure every single billionaire in the world has done something good at some point.


All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one. Romans 3:12

You’re right. There’s no billionaire who has done good. But there’s also no human who has done good either.

Some sort of weird combination of “God and anime at my side” fundie weeb for that one, complete with a special level of pop nihilistic misanthropy that probably has Supply Side Jesus characteristics pathetic

Mark Cuban is a bit of a wall street asshole, but he’s created a drug company to slash the prices of generic drugs for Americans

phoenix-objection-1 phoenix-objection-2

Elon Musk. Without him, electric cars wouldn’t be the almost-mainstream thing they are today. We also would be a decade behind on space launch.

bootlicker (WTF does “space launch” mean to that bazinga? Space was launched into generations ago. Unless this is some techbro hopium singularity babbling about THE MISSION ™ which will be forever vague because it’s just tweets from my-hero showing boomer highways on Mars)


  • PZK [he/him]
    1 year ago

    “Some billionaires did a great thing once, so they are not bad.”

    This is the capitalist framing of saying “I am not racist, I have a black friend.”

    Name me one billionaire that has provided a net good that has outweighed their net bad. You can’t do it. It is fundamentally why they are billionaires in the first place because they exploited and stole from everyone else. They are not a necessary component to society, they are an eventuality of capitalism and at their very best, an inefficiency.

    The ongoing copium of living inside this failing system is not only to justify them, but say they are going to save us. These people just need to admit they want a king with devine right because they don’t believe any other system can work.