The US, grappling with an egg shortage, is reaching out to Lithuania for egg exports after Finland declined. The situation has prompted ridicule online.
The US, grappling with an egg shortage, is reaching out to Lithuania for egg exports after Finland declined. The situation has prompted ridicule online.
Your missing the point. It’s less about eggs than it is at showing the world how durable and reliable USA is, that it can overcome every problem. The hilarious irony is what it is now showing is how fragile and weak the US has become now that it’s alienated it’s allies. Unable to even cope with a tiny egg problem because the world is turning it’s back. I’m living in America and yet I’m cheering this on, so bizarre.
Tbf, eggs are perishable and thus not the ideal thing to transport for multiple weeks on a ship. There are multiple ptoblems here, not just the world turning its back.
Same. I want it to hurt. I’m not into BDSM, but I kinda get it now.
Eeeew who would bdsm a MAGA?
Lmao! Not a maga, the rest of the world.
I don’t get it but I wouldn’t bdsm a maga if they begged me