Disney wasn’t the first, similar to Loki Christians in the 1800s needed a devil figure and the Lord of the underworld was a perfect step in. Christian interpretations of non Christian mythology in the 1800s is wild due to the amount of bias they tended to have. A good example is comparing modern Norse neo pagans to Viking leagues of the early 1900s which are still steeped in that analysis.
Well. They might be his daughter
Like Melinoë
Anyone know if hades ever knew Zeus was her real father?
Does it matter? Hades would take care of her regardless, he is the responsible Olympian.
You are right, again it’s Disney who made did a character assassination of Hades.
I want to comment that James Woods did an impeccable performance, I don’t think he would fit if Hades was portrayed differently, but as he was there.
If you want a good depiction of Hades, Kaos is fantastic. Great depiction of Zeus too, fuckin asshole that he is
Disney wasn’t the first, similar to Loki Christians in the 1800s needed a devil figure and the Lord of the underworld was a perfect step in. Christian interpretations of non Christian mythology in the 1800s is wild due to the amount of bias they tended to have. A good example is comparing modern Norse neo pagans to Viking leagues of the early 1900s which are still steeped in that analysis.