Thinking about checking out pixelfed, as an Australian i’s thinking of looking through the servers for an instance run with an Australian focus.

Closest i got was NZ, and i dont know how strict they are about Australians, they might class us as not Kiwi enough, their rule 8 is only Kiwis.

So my question,

What would people’s recommendations for a good, nice instance be?

Bonus comments on my leading choices atm would muchly be appreciated.

  • (seem good, i think they have a lemmy instance as well.)
  • (i know the language, i’d see it as a challenge to get better, mon francais est trop pas)
  • Gorgritch_Umie_KillaOP
    11 hours ago

    Just got on and saw for myself, sold on the fedecan mission. Cheers for the help! I’ll see you on pixelfed as well now! :)