What era in time do these people think R’s are trying to conserve to, after or before civil rights?
Oh hey I’ve met these guys. They’re not well liked by their fellow gays
They’re not well liked.
I think that probably would’ve sufficed. Even the Republicans shun gay Republicans because they don’t want them to exist. Gay Republicans are like the most baffling thing to me. Like a Jewish Nazi.
There were always Jewish Nazis, or at least enablers. They’re called Kapo, which is one of the most insulting words a Jew can call another. When Bergen-Belsen was liberated, the prisoners turned on the Kapos, and lynched 170 of them on the spot.
One of HitlerPig’s closest and most loyal advisors is one: Kapo Stephen “PeeWee Himmler” Miller.
Perhaps we should extend the meaning to include gay Republicans, or at least gay MAGAs.
Gay people can be gullible and naive too. Nobody said they were perfect.
I’m also pro 2nd Amendment, but I’m not a stupid single issue voter, democracy is more important than guns lol.
Also, when the fuck was trump ever “pro 2nd amendment”
Remember: “Take their guns first, due process later”
Why do right-wingers think this guy is “pro 2nd amendment”? 🤣
I am pro second amendment. I believe the constitution explicitly grants the states the right to regulate militias.
Fun facts: The 2nd amendment was created before bullets let alone bump stocks. Kamala was a gun owner. Trump isn’t allowed to own one because he’s a convicted rapist.
It’s because he’s a convicted felon. The rape thing was in civil court.
Not just before bullets and rifling, but firearms were single shot muzzle loaded.
They claimed to accept black people way before you, and they didn’t (look at the sieg heils and white supremacy claims). They only pretended to accept gay people recently, and you thought this was serious?
Time to break out ol’ trusty.
Oh man that’s the stuff. That man is actually opening the leopards mouth and placing his face right in.
Same sex marriage was such a good example of democracy working. MA stood alone, defiant and proud, for years. Then some of the neighboring states went “You know what? They didn’t get smote with fire and brimstone. Maybe I can do that too.”
Only 10 years after Massachusetts took the first step, it was growing past the recently blue states as voters came around to accepting it, and if it had another 5 years, we would’ve been taking would-be holdouts like Texas.
That process was cut short, but I haven’t seen any polling that suggests we’re not still collectively sliding that direction, so even if the supreme court reverses Obergefell v. Hodges, I don’t think there’s popular support for bans this time.
But they already exist. My state constitution has a prohibition on recognition of gay marriages. These laws won’t stay nullified and have to be reestablished. And much like we see with abortion they’re going to next go for a nationwide ban.
They really are stupid aren’t they.
Many want Trump voters to be this kind of evil villain, but if you know any, they’re dumb, arrogant, fragile assholes.
Never assume malfeasance where plain incompetence will suffice as an explanation.
Where that falls short is just how much of the population that appears to include. I’m all set to believe in plain incompetence, weaponized incompetence, stubborn incompetence …. But 50% of voters?
Deep in human history, staying in good graces with our tribe was more important to survival than having beliefs be factual. We are genetically hardwired to pull whatever mental gymnastics are required to maintain membership in the tribe, because our ancestors who failed at that died before passing on their genes. It’s not really stupidity or incompetence, it’s an operating system property.
They’re disgusting Traitors, every last one of them. When this is over, we should shun every last one of them from society.
“I’ll never leave this party that hates me”
Because Democrats are icky. They have emotions and feelings and empathy and stuff. Not like real men. /S
Pity they won’t realize until is too late.
Likely not even then
“But im a good Jew, I’ll happily walk to my death voluntarily”
“Dear Republicans. When I voted to have people’s rights stripped away and their lives ruined, I didn’t think it included me!”
Eat shit, asshole.
Dear Trump, I wrote you, but you still ain’t callin’, I left my cell, my pager, and my home phone at the bottom
and should gulp it down with a warm jug of piss for good measure.
This will be the first guy to leave Republicans for being anti-gay. Alone in a sea of sieg-heiling nazis that shaved their heads because of feminist criticism of videogames.
Imagine having your head so far up your ass you think Trump is friendly to the gays. HO-LY SHIT! Jesus Americans are so fucking dumb…
USA / UK moron population is undefeated
Notice how the author justifies himself. He’s pro-life, 2nd, ect…
This screams “I’m one of the good ones”, and implies that he has internalized homophobia. Anyway, it’s some next level “pick me” shit.
A “pick me” wanker.
What a useful fucking idiot of a dumpster fire. You’re gay and vote for the guy who wants you to lose rights? Either you’re a complete fucking idiot, or you’re a psychopath who’s also a complete fucking idiot.
So many “gays” were pro trump over at askgaybros. Now they post in gay conservative and gaslight each other.
It’s a tale as old as time. They don’t see themselves as the ‘bad’ gays or Jews or whatever that their leaders and other Republicans/Torys/Religions etc hate. They think they’ll be spared because they’re special. All the way to the camps they believe this.
doing this will only push me and other people like me out!
I love being republican and would never be a democrat
A bit hard to take the threat seriously when you already admitted it would never happen.
“It doesn’t matter until it affects me” - republicans who thought “winning” would just hurt those they disagreed with.
“It’s not the same republican party it used to be, get over it!”
It has always been that party, idiot.