New South Wales has coastal cameras set up so you can check how the coastal bars are before you set out on your boat. Just wondering if Queensland has something similar?
Been using it to watch the weather change as the storm approaches (Should check out how many people were on the wall at Brunswick heads this arvo). But the cameras here only go up to Tweed. I have been looking at the swellnet cameras but those ads are just ridiculous.
I don’t know if any on the coast as good as NSW but Windy does have a list of a lot of webcam locations:,153.283,9,p:cams
edit: damn these nsw ones are good and proper, got a decent 25fps on them as well
Yeah, windy’s pretty good for seeing the last 24 hours in a time-lapse, but I was looking to see some live feeds. I’ve been adding the streams to my jellyfin server and watching it on the telly.