Afaik, / used to work but now it doesn’t.
Even when browsing while signed in, linkedin will notify them about any person who viewed their profile. I know one can turn on anonymous mode, but still it will notify them.
Does anyone know a way to browse this website without being logged in ?
I mean its creepy as hell. Its like verifying their address by peaking in the window rather than knocking on the door or their phone number by tapping the line rather than calling them up. If you want to confirm something why is it bad they know you looked at their linkedin? You don’t have to add them to your network and most free accounts don’t generally see how looks at them anyway.
You think a public LinkedIn profile - full of information curated and posted by the user with the full intention that it be seen by the public - is the equivalent of a private residence and personal phone line?
you think a private residence with a front door that can be knocked on and is visible from the public way is completely private? My analogy stands. window peeping and phone tapping. If you are to afraid to let them know you are checking them out then don’t check them out.