Sorry the pictures are kinda crap. I’d never seen one before and thought it looked super cool!
It was really small and it looked like basically the whole top half of the car was glass
Also kinda surprised with myself that I recognize the rims, I think they’re painted e30 bottlecaps 😅
I wanted to see if I could find any better pictures that really convey how much the top of the car just looks like a bubble of glass, but these are the best I could find
(optional Super-Live Sound System in “Casual Mode”) WTF does that even mean lol
Its such a cute little car!
These pics aren’t yours are they? Do you have a sera?
No no no. I got those picks from the wiki page on the car. My favorite part being “the McLaren F1 designer Gordon Murray cited the Sera as the inspiration of the F1’s door arrangement.”. So it’s basically a McLaren F1 you know lol.
There’s one of these, a Hi Ace, and a Curren that run around my town in Oklahoma. I get that these cars are/were regular traffic in Japan, but it’s so cool to see them here.
I agree, I was really excited to try and figure out what it was when I saw it lol
I’m telling anyone who will listen that while modern cars may be objectively better on paper, these 80s and 90s Japanese cars had something you couldn’t measure. I think the same applies to American cars from the 50s and 60s. I dunno. Call it soul, I guess.
I think it’s that you can tell a lot of love and excitement went into their design and manufacture
The care shows :) They’re unique and have such clear design focus in a lot of cases. They don’t feel like they’re all the same, just churned out to fill the same basic market need, there are a lot of weird, interesting, thoughtful, fun cars and you can tell someone put a lot of love and passion into them. People who were as excited about their idea as many folks still are about them today!
Neat! I’ve never seen that one before.
Those bottle caps 👌
Yeah bottlecaps look sick on so many cars, I’ve seen them on first gen miatas and they look great there too
These ones weren’t especially well painted, but they still looked pretty cool 😅
Old JDM cars are just the best. They have this charm of engineering that is just absolutely adoring. I would love to buy a RHD JDM car one day. Such cool pieces of automotive history!
They really are. It just occurred to me I should also go post it on the small JDM comm
Someday I reaaaally want a first gen Miata. Not RHD or anything, but I really want one. I can’t afford or justify buying a new car right now though, so it remains a someday for the time being
NA Miatas are so cool, pop up head lamps and everything. Such a quirky little roadster. I hope you get your hands on one soon! They’re becoming harder to come by, especially in decent condition. 2 years I was looking at those miatas, and most of them were in manageable conditions for about 4k to 5k USD. Now they’re that same exact price but have blown head gaskets and high mileage.