I use Debian btw
It also probably causes a huge itch with all of the guys that say you absolutely must prime your filter each and every time you change because you never want it to run dry or the engine will literally explode.
You cannot prime a top mounted filter. I mean, you can try, but you won’t get the results you want lol
This car has 257,000 miles, and I promise you this thing has never received a primed oil filter. I bet the bearings are in great shape. I bet the rings fail long before the bearings do.
Nope. H22A in a Prelude. There’s no way to get it from the bottom, unless Gilderoy Lockhart just “mended” your arm or you are Mr. Fantastic in the flesh. You must get it from the top.
The H22A4 that comes in base Preludes has the filter on the side. It’s much easier to reach, but you will spill. This top mounted filter on the Type SH drains back to the pan every time you switch the engine off, but it’s a real pain to get to.
On the plus side the top mounted filter was kinda nice. I didn’t have to worry about spilling a filter’s worth of oil on the garage floor.
Not like it matters because it already leaks. But hey, we take the good with the bad.
We ignore little things until they’re problems. Tis the broke bitch car guy way.
Yeah, it’s pushing thirty years old. We’ve got some deferred maintenance items to tend to. This isn’t my daily lol
And no I totally don’t blame the techs and mechanics for super snugging filters. I was pissed off an hour ago, but now that I’m on the other side of this job, I get it.
I mean, I’m still pissed, but I get it lol
I love the way you think. Fire always solves something lmao
You have fifteen minutes in the game, son. Go score a backrub or whatever they call it idk I don’t coach football.
I’ve heard of punching screwdrivers through them. I didn’t have any screwdrivers I wanted to get oily since I use those on my PC. I did grab some oil filter pliers from the parts store and those finally did the trick.
I won’t use them much, but I’m sure they’ll come in handy again one day
Lmao yeah I just grabbed some oil filter pliers from the parts store. That did the trick. So many interference items just for an oil filter. I got maybe two degrees of rotation with each squeeze.
This was a fucking trip immediately after seeing the toenail art lmao
I’m telling anyone who will listen that while modern cars may be objectively better on paper, these 80s and 90s Japanese cars had something you couldn’t measure. I think the same applies to American cars from the 50s and 60s. I dunno. Call it soul, I guess.
“I’ve already called the FBI. You can’t prove it was an accident. Do you know who I am? You’re going to prison for the rest of your life, bud.”
Joking aside, I hope that poor bird is okay.
Only 70? You need to drink more water.
There’s one of these, a Hi Ace, and a Curren that run around my town in Oklahoma. I get that these cars are/were regular traffic in Japan, but it’s so cool to see them here.
This is gonna be in my view history on our shared account, and my wife is gonna ask if I’m okay lmao
These kinds of jokes aren’t funny. Y’all need to conduct yourselves better.
My wife was born in 1993, her father was born in 1947, and his father was born in 1902.
My great-grandmother died last year at 100 years old. She was born in 1923. So when my great grandmother was born, my father in law’s dad was 21. My four generations back is less time than my wife’s two. My father in law retired from trucking before my wife graduated high school.
My father in law is still kicking. He turns 78 next month. We give him hell a lot for his age. I’ll ask him what it was like to see the creation of the world or if dinosaurs were cool.
Born in '92, wife born in '93. We own our home and work day jobs. The pay is fine. I mean, we own our house so I guess we’re doing better than a lot of others our age.
If I buy a thing, I go out of my way to buy something repairable. I’m not swapping board components, mind you, but I can swap a laptop battery, change my engine oil, replace a home thermostat, you get it. Plumbing, I refuse to do. I’ll do minor electrical work, but plumbing is a whole animal. It’s not a science. It’s wizardry. But small maintenance items I do all day. Last weekend, I cleaned my gutters and trimmed some small trees branches away from my house. That was probably $500 worth of work I did in an hour.
I just want to play my video games, eat good food, wrench on my aging car, and also be in bed by 9.
I do spin up a CD sometimes for the fun of it.
I won’t call us old yet, but I feel age creeping up on me. My heels hurt all the time and my knees don’t take going down stairs as well as they once did. Getting fat didn’t help, but I am down 25 pounds since early November. Got that going for me. And I did climb the stairs down the Space Needle at nearly 300 pounds. I’ve still got a little fight left in me.
But man, I’m not looking forward to 40.
The dock auto hides lol
Exactly. Even if he leaves office in four years and we never hear from him again, the ripple effects of his presidencies will take decades to unfold and undo.
It’s an H22A in a Prelude Type SH. But the valve cover between the B and H do look very similar.
engine pics
There is no room to get to the oil filter from the bottom. Believe me. I tried. This engine mounts it up top to make room for the ATTS unit. The base Preludes, however, do have side-mounted oil filters that are significantly easier to reach. The filter on my R-series Civic is bottom-mounted and super easy to reach. But yeah, this guy was a true PITA.
I snapped this after I found it. I’m a fairly honest dude. I wouldn’t say find the thing that isn’t in the picture lol It’s the blue canister in the center bottom of the pic. You’ll see it just left of the brake master ;)