Our latest annual inequality report, “Takers Not Makers” explores how most billionaire wealth is taken, not earned - with 60% coming from either inheritance, cronyism or monopoly power. Furthermore, our deeply unequal world remains colonial in many ways. There is a long history of colonial domination which has largely benefited the richest people. This system still extracts wealth from the Global South to the super-rich 1% in the Global North at a rate of $30million an hour. This must be reversed.
To contribute to meaningful systemic change, governments must:
- Radically reduce inequality – setting global and national goals to do so.
- Repair the wounds of historical colonialism through apology and reparations
- End systems of modern-day colonialism.
- Tax the richest to end extreme wealth.
- Promote South-South cooperation and solidarity.
- End ongoing formal colonialism in all forms.
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