So, there are three types of ‘roles’ one can take in kink.
Submissive or sub
Dominant or dom/domme/domx etc
Submissives are usually the ones having things done to them (though they can do things to the dominant if the dominant commands them to).
Dominants are usually the ones doing the things to others
Switches can be either of these or sort of exist in an inbetween space.
Sub space is a type of brain state a submissive enters when a dominant is doing a good job and the person is taking on a submissive role for a scene, so some of it can be generated by the submissive themsel{f/ves}.
This video by Evie Lupine goes over it somewhat and might go into detail about the science, but I’m unsure if it was this one or another one which talks about the science:
Yeah I’ve actually seen a few of her videos before, which is probably where I heard the term subspace before, and I’m already broadly familiar with D-type/S-type. I just wasn’t super familiar with what exactly “subspace” means, beyond “a state of mind entered by S-types during play”. So your response to this meme describing a state of mind of “I do not think” as being like subspace was intriguing to me.
But I don’t think I’ve seen that particular video before. Will watch. Thanks!
Oh, nothing 😉
No seriously, what’s the reference here?
Oh, okay.
Since you ask, it’s not a reference so much as saying this is what kink can do to people temporarily.
Like being so immersed in your horniness that you stop thinking?
Firstly kink isn’t inherently sexual.
Secondly, I’m talking about things like ‘subspace’ and hypnosis (hypnokink) where there is little - no thought happening.
If you would like to know more there is an excellent asexual kink educator on youtube called Evie Lupine.
Also, there’s a community on lemmy for learning about kink: [email protected]
Hope this helps!
Oh right. So, like, is that what’s meant by ‘subspace’? I’ve heard the term used, but I’m not into kink personally so don’t really know precisely.
So, there are three types of ‘roles’ one can take in kink.
Submissive or sub
Dominant or dom/domme/domx etc
Submissives are usually the ones having things done to them (though they can do things to the dominant if the dominant commands them to).
Dominants are usually the ones doing the things to others
Switches can be either of these or sort of exist in an inbetween space.
Sub space is a type of brain state a submissive enters when a dominant is doing a good job and the person is taking on a submissive role for a scene, so some of it can be generated by the submissive themsel{f/ves}.
This video by Evie Lupine goes over it somewhat and might go into detail about the science, but I’m unsure if it was this one or another one which talks about the science:
Does that make sense and do you have any other questions?
Yeah I’ve actually seen a few of her videos before, which is probably where I heard the term subspace before, and I’m already broadly familiar with D-type/S-type. I just wasn’t super familiar with what exactly “subspace” means, beyond “a state of mind entered by S-types during play”. So your response to this meme describing a state of mind of “I do not think” as being like subspace was intriguing to me.
But I don’t think I’ve seen that particular video before. Will watch. Thanks!
Oh, that’s great! Thank you for telling us what you know about.
Hope you enjoy or at least learn something from the video.