I pointed out the dishonest outright lies a post was making and rustled some jimmies.
Any day I rustle the jimmies of tankies is a good day.
The rest of the modlog was pretty entertaining too.
Edit: No the comment below my ban in this screenshot is not my comment. I guess that was confusing some people.
Full context: someone had posted a picture of the Obamas in a wine cellar and everyone was deriding them for being so bourgeois as to own a wine cellar (all the usual high level discourse such as “MichelleSoUgly lmaolol”)
I pointed out that this was them at a private event at a restaurant that has a wine cellar and not their own personal wine cellar. Everyone then freaked out that I was “defending the Obamas” and I got banned for Liberalism.
For everyone’s reference, this user is a genocide denier. While the comments that were removed in this screenshot might be mod overreach, the user has also been banned from far more reasonable communities for their trollish behaviour.
For everyone’s reference, this user is a genocide denier.
eh… also wikipedia lol
Wikipedia is just providing a summary of the academic position.
I dunno how to interpret “it’s not a genocide” as anything other than being a genocide denier.
Wikipedia. Academic position.
Wikipedia is fuckin trash, don’t use it for anything political. It’s owned by a private hedge fund and gets funding from foreign governments and mega-corporations like Google. Wikipedia is for facts about boats and mountains, not deep political theory such as what constitutes as genocide.
What an idiotic take.
Great response! You sure showed me!
Maybe you should wikipedia how to think critically
Thanks bro
Lmao tankies following me around now. Sorry that you didn’t like that I refused to put up with your BS goal-post moving after your argument was shot down. Not my problem though.
Not sure what your personal definition of “tankie” is, but by any rational measure @[email protected] doesn’t fit the bill.
The only thing peregrin knows about me is that I called them out for defending genocide. Which is one political area where the tankies and I do seem to be in alignment.
Tankies also defend genocide, as long as it’s the right team.
Hard leftist who makes unsupported claims and moves goal posts when they’re proven wrong? Even if they aren’t literally a communist the venn diagram overlap is pretty damning.
And now he’s obsessively stalking me.
Bro you posted in a community I’m subscribed to. Don’t post if you don’t want people to see your post and comment on it.
But anyway, several problems here:
- A tanky is a leftist who supports pro-authoritarian violence. If you saw my history interacting with actual tankies, you’ll see that this is not me. I oppose the Chinese, North Korean, and Russian governments in the strongest terms, and support South Korea, Taiwan, and Ukraine (two of which I have very good friends and relatives from).
- I never once moved goalposts. I stated in very clear terms why you were wrong and what the bare minimum of evidence would be for me to even begin considering your claims of genocide denial. I then later restated the terms in more specificity, since you seemed unhappy with how vague the first statement was. You failed to even attempt to do that.
- Not stalking. You posted where something would appear in my feed. And then decided to have a whinge about it.
If you don’t want to be called out, don’t defend or deny genocide. End of story.
You stated that “EVERY reputable expert” says Israel is committing genocide literally using a source that was TITLED “experts deeply divided on whether or not Israel is committing genocide”.
Then you said that you would only accept experts as “reputable” if they didn’t support Israel in the conflict. Lol.
I deny a genocide when there literally isn’t a genocide bruh. Using it for every conflict waters down the term to basically mean nothing.
I couldn’t respond to you anyway (not that I was going to) since I got banned for breaking the cardinal lemmy rule that you have to hate Jews to post here.
No, I said they could not be reputable if they were Israeli or had strong ties to Israel. Which…should be obvious? The bias is far too strong otherwise. It would be like asking someone living in Nazi Germany if Germany was committing genocide.
The fact that someone supports Israel in this conflict is likely what you’ll use as evidence that someone has “strong ties to Israel”.
Most claims of genocide come from people who have strong ties to Palestine or people linked to Palestine. Why does the same bar of evidence not apply to you?
There are several people referenced in this article not Israeli or tied to Israel that claim Israel’s actions don’t meet the criteria of genocide. As I recall your request was that I provide just one. Now I’ll wait as you claim that these experts are actually just Israel shills and they should thus be disregarded.
Yeah, you’re kinda showing you’re the dick here.
Mhm. Sure. Lol.
Oh and for the record, your ban wasn’t even for the genocide denial. It was for being a troll and an arsehole.
Which seems to be the same as what happened to you in this post, based on the 1:53 pm action.
Ah also it seems you and others are confused. The 1:53 action was not my comment though I did approve of it.
I updated the post to give the full context.
Oh, I see. Fair enough. In that case, I have no opinion on whether or not your ban was justified in this case.
Meh. If you don’t have the freedom to be an asshole on the internet, what’s the point? Lol.
You can and did. Moderators have the freedom to delete your comments and ban you. Freedom goes both ways.
If you want the power to moderate, host your own instance and/or community.
Never said they didn’t. Unlike some, I don’t get bent out of shape when I get banned.
I may post and laugh about it though. And fuck no to moderating. Lmao. I have a life.
At first I thought you honestly might not know that the screenshot clearly shows you trolling, but then here you are trolling it up the first chance you get.
The screenshot doesn’t have my comment in it hun.
Without any knowledge of context here, that comment just looks like low grade trolling. Are you really surprised they’d kick you out?
OP is a Habitual troll and has gotten kicked out of far more moderate communities than this.
Genuinely curious here. What comment? As far as I saw the modlog didn’t show the comment I got banned for.
Full context: someone had posted a picture of the Obamas in a wine cellar and deriding them for being so bourgeois as to own a wine cellar.
I pointed out that this was them at a private event at a restaurant that has a wine cellar and not their own personal wine cellar. Everyone then freaked out that I was “defending the Obamas” and I got banned for Liberalism. Lol.
The one you screenshotted here?
Yeah I can see how that could be misleading. That was a comment from someone else that got removed (and what I was referring to when I said the rest of the modlog was pretty entertaining). I guess I should have cropped it but I thought it was funny too. As you can see that mod action happened two hours before my ban.
At the time I screenshotted they hadn’t removed my comment. I think they did now though.
As YePowerTrippingBastards would say, BPR - Bait-Provoked Reaction.
Not exactly a great example of tankie nonsense.
Considering their entire deal is dunking on others Hexbear is remarkably fragile on the receiving end.
Honestly, I prefer that to the mods making up some bullshit. If they want to have their community free from Liberal views, they’re welcome to do so.
I suppose it sucks to hear “we made our community for people who disagree with you and don’t want to deal with your perspective,” but that is entirely their choice. You don’t get to claim moral superiority and do whatever you want regardless.
I’m here in Meanwhileongrad to have a laugh pointing out hypocrisy. There’s nothing hypocritical about “you are not welcome here for reasons we agreed upon and freely shared. Go away.”
You don’t get to claim moral superiority and do whatever you want regardless.
But see the thing is, I do in fact get to do that. They can ban me but I can still claim moral superiority. What do you think this whole community is about?
Sorry, let me rephrase: you can claim moral superiority all you want, but that doesn’t mean you can walk into their space and do whatever you want. Like it or not, is it their community.
Yeah no, I get that. I mean I can walk in and do what I want exactly once though.
You can claim whatever you want, but that doesn’t make you right.
Oh but it does. :)
I think I’m banned too. I honest made a good faith effort. They ended up goading me into saying that protest voting was not a way to get what we want and then all my comments were deleted bc: liberal.
It’s hard not to be a sick there bc they get to do it all they want. As soon as the narrative is challenged, bam! You’re gone.
But hey you can make fun of them here. So it all works out in the end. Let them have their circlejerk where they can exist without having their views challenged. In reality (real reality, not the rest-of-lemmy reality which is just as skewed) literally nobody likes them and most people in their lives probably think they are insufferable.
You posted on hexbear
That was my second mistake. My first was not blocking hexbear in the first place.
How thin can someones skin possibly be?
I’m learning that most of Lemmy has pretty thin skin. Lol.