I pointed out the dishonest outright lies a post was making and rustled some jimmies.
Any day I rustle the jimmies of tankies is a good day.
The rest of the modlog was pretty entertaining too.
Edit: No the comment below my ban in this screenshot is not my comment. I guess that was confusing some people.
Full context: someone had posted a picture of the Obamas in a wine cellar and everyone was deriding them for being so bourgeois as to own a wine cellar (all the usual high level discourse such as “MichelleSoUgly lmaolol”)
I pointed out that this was them at a private event at a restaurant that has a wine cellar and not their own personal wine cellar. Everyone then freaked out that I was “defending the Obamas” and I got banned for Liberalism.
Wikipedia is just providing a summary of the academic position.
I dunno how to interpret “it’s not a genocide” as anything other than being a genocide denier.
Wikipedia. Academic position.
Wikipedia is fuckin trash, don’t use it for anything political. It’s owned by a private hedge fund and gets funding from foreign governments and mega-corporations like Google. Wikipedia is for facts about boats and mountains, not deep political theory such as what constitutes as genocide.
What an idiotic take.
Great response! You sure showed me!
Maybe you should wikipedia how to think critically