hypothetically, let’s say you were tasked with simplifying the English language. how would you go about doing that, and why?

to start with an easy one, the first thing I would do is eliminate silent letters from all words and make it so no letters share sounds. for example, example would become exampel. then, because x would no longer be around or at least wouldn’t have that sound, ekzampel. I would also consider eliminating mulit-letter sounds like ch, and replacing them with single characters (probably the ones that got removed).

  • some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org
    2 months ago

    You should read Highly Irregular. It’s a book about the history of the English language. It explains how and why the language was corrupted by multiple changes in administration text, the great vowel shift, and the printing press. It makes perfect sense of why the language makes no sense.