Hmm. Throwing money at established millionaires to continue spreading their propaganda.
Giving money directly to the people, like making 2025 tuitionfree would be more successful, and even then, minds are made up.
Either you are cool with genocide for the fucking funsies of it, or you aren’t cool with genocide from anybody, full stop.
That this is still some “moral” debate is big brother shit.
Systematically murdering a population that 90% of weren’t even alive the last time things got hot, bombing relief workers, murdering journalists and invading 2 countries (so far) isnt self defense, nor is it defensible.
Isn’trael has lost generations of people with their actions, and in 30-40 years, when that generations in charge they’re gonna find themselves holding a noose they made.
I won’t shed any tears. Fuck around, find out.
And fuck them for fabricating the evidence that got us sent back to Iraq in 2002. The Commonwealth came with us to Iraq, as did S.Koeea and Japan sent noncombat troops, but Isn’trael? They couldn’t be bothered. Fuck. Them.
Now they’re trying to manipulate us into fighting Iran for them. Trading our tax dollars and American lives because they can’t cohabitate. Grow the fuck up BeBe. I hope what you’ve created finds you.
Hmm. Throwing money at established millionaires to continue spreading their propaganda.
Giving money directly to the people, like making 2025 tuitionfree would be more successful, and even then, minds are made up.
Either you are cool with genocide for the fucking funsies of it, or you aren’t cool with genocide from anybody, full stop.
That this is still some “moral” debate is big brother shit.
Systematically murdering a population that 90% of weren’t even alive the last time things got hot, bombing relief workers, murdering journalists and invading 2 countries (so far) isnt self defense, nor is it defensible.
Isn’trael has lost generations of people with their actions, and in 30-40 years, when that generations in charge they’re gonna find themselves holding a noose they made.
I won’t shed any tears. Fuck around, find out.
And fuck them for fabricating the evidence that got us sent back to Iraq in 2002. The Commonwealth came with us to Iraq, as did S.Koeea and Japan sent noncombat troops, but Isn’trael? They couldn’t be bothered. Fuck. Them.
Now they’re trying to manipulate us into fighting Iran for them. Trading our tax dollars and American lives because they can’t cohabitate. Grow the fuck up BeBe. I hope what you’ve created finds you.