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Ready player one.

That has to be one of the cringiest movies I’ve seen, is tries so hard, too hard with it’s “WE LOVE YOU NERD, YOU’RE SO COOL FOR PLAYING GAMES AND GETTING THIS 80S REFERENCE” message and the whole “corporation bad, the people good” narrative seems written for toddlers… The fan service feels cheap and adds nothing to the story.

Finally, they trying to make the people believe that very attractive girl with a barely visible red tint spot on her face is “ugly”… Like wtf?

Yet it received decent reviews plus being one of the most successful movies of that year.

    2 months ago

    Literally everything Taika watiti touches turns to shit. I don’t understand his appeal. He’s like a 14 year old in the head that can’t take anything seriously. I know if I’m watching one of his shows or movies it’s just going to be lame joke after lame joke and then at some point he will remember he needs to get a story in and rush everything.

    Also, I can’t stand anything JJ Abram’s touches. I know a lot of people say that now post StarWars disaster, but I remember being very disappointed when I heard he was directing the first sequel and people were acting like I was crazy. I absolutely hate his “mystery box” story telling because I either never cared about “item A” or I know the payoff for discovering what “item A” actually is I’d going to be lame.

      2 months ago

      Also, I can’t stand anything JJ Abram’s touches. I know a lot of people say that now post StarWars disaster, but I remember being very disappointed when I heard he was directing the first sequel and people were acting like I was crazy. I absolutely hate his “mystery box” story telling because I either never cared about “item A” or I know the payoff for discovering what “item A” actually is I’d going to be lame.

      Part of the problem is that Abrams has no idea what’s in the box. Basically his entire career was writing the first act of a story with some mystery to solve, handing it off to someone else to finish, then, when they ask what’s in the box, he tells them, “I dunno, figure something out.”

    • Zagorath
      2 months ago

      Literally everything Taika watiti touches turns to shit

      Apart from the two Thors, the only Waititi I’ve seen was Jo Jo Rabbit, which I thought was incredible. It’s a shame someone capable of touching that subject in such a sensitive yet humorous way could turn around and be supportive of genocide elsewhere. But yeah I don’t like either of his Thor movies.

      As for Abrams, I completely agree that his mystery box style is terrible. I actually was hopeful when it was announced he’d be doing Star Wars though, especially when it was going to be only the first film, and we didn’t know that there was no planning ahead. I thought that the studio as a whole would rein in his mystery box style by insisting on a plan across 3 movies. And as much as I hated Abrams’ Star Trek films, I thought that their action style might work well for Star Wars in a way it didn’t work for Trek. So I was reasonably hopeful, and I don’t even think I was too let down by the first movie per se. The problem came when he returned for the third movie and revealed that there were no good answers for the mysteries set up at the start (which, admittedly, itself came about because the mysteries had been set up in the first one without thought for how to resolve them). Fuck mystery boxes.

      2 months ago

      Wtf is wrong with you. I hope you get eaten by the swear wolves, when the vamps bring you as food to the masquerade party, Steve.