Personalized chatbots dating other chatbots on your behalf. AI concierges fielding questions about potential matches. Advanced algorithms predicting compatibility better than ever before.
I am very glad that I met my wife before Online Dating became common. I would be utterly lost in today’s dating app world.
I’m the opposite to you OP, I was terrible at dating in real life, but wildly successful online. Knowing someone already kinda liked me enough to go on a date solved my entire conundrum: if I make a move, will it be wildly out of left field? Better not risk it.
I’m the opposite to you OP, I was terrible at dating in real life, but wildly successful online. Knowing someone already kinda liked me enough to go on a date solved my entire conundrum: if I make a move, will it be wildly out of left field? Better not risk it.
I met my wife on tinder 8 years ago.