Posting this a day early while I remember.
Spring. A good time for vegetables. According to some table it’s a bit late now to sow tomatoes from seed? But you could still buy seedlings.
In the warming weather what do you have planned for your landscape, pots, patch, window box - or even the lone houseplant/cactus in your apartment?
CrI have a “what should I do?” question. I’ve had this happen:
It looks like a jade plant. Apparently they’re prone to drooping or flopping over?
From what I can see it could be caused by overwatering, underwatering, low light, or putting out new growth.
Maybe take a look at some guides and try to troubleshoot. You could try supporting it, pruning it, changing the amount of water, anything a more experienced gardener suggests. What I see also says cuttings from jade plants are easy to grow.
Thankyou! In this case, under watering would be a factor because our hose isn’t long enough to reach that corner of the garden properly 😆 I think I might dig it out, replant a section of it and pot up the rest.