I always think about this when this topic comes up. 9/11 happens and Bush says ‘Drill baby drill’.
What if we had a president that was like ‘hey maybe we should get over our addiction to fossil fuels and sever this toxic relationship with the middle east?’ All the lives and money and time wasted on wars, and the destabilization it lead to in the USA and Europe which pulled people even further rightward toward this autocratic environmental suicide pact.
I wonder how different things would be if 1% of the people in Florida got off their couch and voted Gore.
EDIT I get y’all and agree but the point is that if Gore had won but just a bit more they wouldn’t have been able to stop the count and send it to SCOTUS
I always think about this when this topic comes up. 9/11 happens and Bush says ‘Drill baby drill’.
What if we had a president that was like ‘hey maybe we should get over our addiction to fossil fuels and sever this toxic relationship with the middle east?’ All the lives and money and time wasted on wars, and the destabilization it lead to in the USA and Europe which pulled people even further rightward toward this autocratic environmental suicide pact.
I wonder how different things would be if 1% of the people in Florida got off their couch and voted Gore.
EDIT I get y’all and agree but the point is that if Gore had won but just a bit more they wouldn’t have been able to stop the count and send it to SCOTUS
Or if the Supreme Court hadn’t given Florida to Bush.
Are elections rules by the courts? What?
For anyone genuinely wondering
…Gore won Florida. Jus’ saying
Turns out Gore did win, but the election was handed to Bush anyway. We could’ve been in a much different world.
A relatively long video on the topic (half hour) but a good one. https://youtu.be/jucDFrO89Ko
I legit think this is the pivotal moment where everything started going downhill (at first, so slowly that we didn’t notice, but downhill still)
Well it’s on my list of things to change if a time machine is ever invented.