Russia did not face an imminent security threat to justify its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Yevgeny Prigozhin, the founder of Russia’s Wagner mercenary outfit, said in a bombshell video posted on social media Friday. “The Armed Forces of Ukraine were not going to attack Russia with the NATO bloc,” Prigozhin explained in the half-hour tirade released by his press service. “The Russian Defense Ministry is deceiving the public and the president,” he added.

    1 年前

    Russian propaganda translator:

    “Our killing and displacement of thousands of innocent sovereign people, the loss of misinformed Russian men, sabotaging the Russian economy, destroy all ties with the West, crazy-making propaganda, and intimidating the world with nuclear war was unjustified from the beginning. I acknowledge that we knew that from the start and lied to everyone about it to see if we could still get away with it, but now that it’s not working, we need to come up with ways to back track it and save face. Since I was the first Russian leader to acknowledge it, I should be in charge.”