Synopsis: Mitsuki is taken to an alien ship in the Amazon jungle. Aneesha and her children take refuge with a group called the Movement.

Hey folks from the future, please remember to refrain from posting spoilers!

    • FestiveRelish
      1 year ago

      It was basically alright, and I kinda got into it as it progressed. But it has SUCH a slow start. First few episodes are basically pure character-building with no invasion going on whatsoever. And a few eps are so incredibly dark - and I don’t mean grim story, I mean black pixels with almost no visible details! - that they are unwatchable. I ended up skipping through about half an episode (the one in the house) because it was impossible to see what was going on, and just boring. Still, I was invested enough by the end of season 1 to give the new season a shot.