You are looking at actual images of planets from another solar system… I just think that’s neat!
You are looking at actual images of planets from another solar system… I just think that’s neat!
Now go somewhere else on the Russian border and take that bit.
You know, I’m starting to think you can’t trust this guy.
It’s the unseen bean that gets you.
Delicious deep Bean lore…
The Trump crash. Followed by the great Trump depression.
Australia nearly made it out of the woods… Inflation down , interest rates dropping , low unemployment real wages up and economic growth even a couple of surpluses just for giggles.
Then, somehow, Orangestain returned.
North Sea sailor:
Mediterranean sailor:
He is weak as piss.
He didn’t show up for the Australian of the year awards.
Just handed over the Pacific Islands to China.
Some yank wanker
You are correct Howard started it all - I was thinking about the points based system that Morrison introduced that flowed through to the new government.
It’s a bullshit Morrison/Dutton policy that should be dumped for the trash that it is
In place of a Dark Lord, you would have a Tasmanian queen!
Not dark but beautiful, and terrible as the dawn!
Treacherous as the sea!
Stronger than the foundations of the earth!
All shall love me and despair!
Was this before or after they publicly wanted to bash each other around the ring?
And pay them $2 an hour
Can we fuck “woke” off as well? What a stupid yank load of bollocks.