• MTK@lemmy.world
    6 天前

    Is it an animal? Is it, it’s by products or the products of it’s abuse in this food? Yes? Not vegan.

    Vegans who decided that eating murdered animals that and up looking like boogers is legit cause they have a different form of living, are just doing the smae thing that vegetarians do about milk and eggs. Which believe a something to feel good about their chocies that are made solely for their pleasure.

    • Cephalotrocity@biglemmowski.win
      6 天前

      it’s by products or the products of it’s abuse in this food? Yes? Not vegan.

      By this definition though a HUGE amount of food you think is vegan isn’t. All canned vegetables or canned derivatives are out. In fact I struggle to think of any mass farmed vegetable that realistically has no animal in them due to the indiscriminate processes used in the industry.

      First thing you do with a head of lettuce? Rinse it off well and hope you got the bugs out. Realistically if you want to be this purist about veganism you’d have to hand grow all your own food yourself and diligently avoid all pesticides, gently till the soil slowly with your fingers to ensure the worms don’t get mashed up, gently pick off the pests from the plants and carefully place them in the grass on the far side of the yard and shrug when the birds come swarming in to feast…

      Point is. ALL veganism makes a judgment call to some extent or another and the more strict it gets the more hypocritical it becomes. FTR this is coming from someone that agrees with the health, and economic benefits of veganism 100%.

      • MTK@lemmy.world
        5 天前

        Okay, let me be clearer since you took this to the obviously ridicules extreme.

        “As long as you have a choice” this is the missing part. You can argue about what constitutes as a choice, but at the end of the day no one can truly do no harm, we can make the best choices we can to reduce harm.

        Eating an oyster is probably a choice, which could have been avoided easily.

        Eating vegetables is not something you can avoid while reducing harm.

        • jerkface@lemmy.caM
          5 天前

          It’s okay. We know. You’re good, he’s just trying to rationalize his own behaviour. He can do it elsewhere.