• 5C5C5C@programming.dev
    2 months ago

    I actually remember her being a standout at the debates until Tulsi Gabbard managed to latch onto a line of attack that hurt her credibility as the progressive candidate that she was presenting herself as. Shortly after that traction was lost I think she saw the writing on the wall and exited gracefully, which obviously worked in her favor because it made it easy for Biden to tap her for VP.

    • aStonedSanta@lemm.ee
      2 months ago

      Yup. I recall a lot of anti Kamala propaganda around marijuana and some law she passed where parents get fined money if their kids don’t go to school. And then she poofed.

      • aesthelete@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        She largely bowed out because she ran out of money, and unlike others in the campaign she didn’t have pocket cash to fund her campaign herself nor rich backers clamoring for her to get in there.

      • Crismus@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        No, the parents were arrested for children being truant. One had too many unexcused absences because the child had sickle-cell anemia and the single mom had to spend a lot of time dealing with the court process.

        It wasn’t fines it was threatening jail and arrest. She kept people in overcrowded jails against the orders of the Supreme Court, because the county needed slaves for fire-fighting because prison firefighters cannot become wildfire firefighters when they are out of prison. She also has never pushed back against abusive police.

        Her past as a tough on crime Attorney General has been recently glossed over and she won’t speak on it or admit she made mistakes.

    • paddirn@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      That’s what I had always remembered. She was one of the top candidates in 2020 up until that debate, then that one little exchange seemed to kill any traction she had. And it’s weird, because I just watched that clip from that debate again the other day, and it didn’t seem as bad as I remembered it. For some reason I remember her being deer in the headlights in her response, but it was more just not answering the charges, which is just what politicians do alot anyways.

      Part of me is glad that she’s gotten as much traction as she has after Biden dropped out, I would’ve never guessed she’d do as good as she’s been doing, though another part of me is annoyed at the all the people who were perfectly willing to let the fascists take over just because they weren’t excited enough to vote for an old white guy. There’s not going to be any serious change in policy with Harris becoming the candidate, it’s not like the Democratic party has changed overnight, it’s still the same policies, just a new face. I guess it’s cool if she wins, regardless of why people vote for her, but if the only reason Democrats win is just because they changed their mascot out, people are stupid.