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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/thoroughbredca on 2024-08-23 14:20:49+00:00.

"The statement said the Burke family received a legal letter from Paul Crampsie, Operations Manager for An Post, on July 26 informing them that for the following two weeks, the family could collect their mail at a postal depot ‘almost five miles from our home.’

“The An Post letter, the family said, further said that a post box must be installed at the entrance to their property on the side of the road within two weeks, or postal service would be withdrawn.”

  • Taleya
    7 months ago

    So it rather sounds like they were getting some courtesy from the postie, given they had no fucking letterbox. They decided to violate the social contract and as such no longer get extended grace.

    In other words: FAFO