Considering this site seemed to be posting negative vibes about the film, I find it interesting that they give it 6 out of 10, slightly above average.
EDIT: The Hollywood Reporter was not impressed.
The Crow is a sluggish, overly self-serious gloomfest that never takes wing. Given the long string of directors and lead actors attached to the project over its 16 years of on-off development, the overworked, lifeless result should be no surprise. I suppose at least we were spared the Mark Wahlberg version.
Fuck that hairstyle
6 out of 10 is the new 2. People don’t know how to rate things anymore. It makes everything difficult to gauge. The Chinese restaurant in town near me has a 4.7/5 on Google and it’s the most disgusting food I’ve ever eaten, yet it has the same score as the actually good restaurants nearby.
None of us are allowed to give lower than a 4 rating because of stupid contract based work apps and an algorithm that decides to not show low value options below 4 stars or allow for them anywhere.
It’s bled into so many things but the ratings between 2 -> 7 might as well all mean the same thing.
And corporate acts like it, treating an honest 4/5 as if an employee called you a slur.
Any metric that becomes a goal ceases to be a useful metric.
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Make something new for fucks sake!
I mean, I’ll eventually watch this because I’m a little piggy that loves their slop but at no point in the last 24 years have I thought to myself, “I need to see another goth revenge fantasy version of the previous four goth revenge fantasy movies.”
I’m sure the cinematography is on point and the actors did their job of being actors, the bare minimum. It’s just… where can you go with this franchise? First movie was good, the next three were the same story with a different color pallet.
Not sure who was excited about either a retread of the original or a fifth movie.
Shit… I talked myself into wanting to watch this. Did this get made for zoomers? Will this be a zoomer Rosetta Stone for us aging millenials?