Investigation into Canada’s New Brunswick brain syndrome is being blocked by the province, whose claims that the syndrome is various existing diseases have been debunked by federal experts, who suggest that the provincial government controlled by its forestry industry is blocking the investigation to retain tourism and industry.

    1 month ago

    In a tragic experiment of nature, a group of drug users in California accidentally injected themselves with a bad batch of designer heroin and began suffering from symptoms closely resembling those of Parkinson’s disease. Investigators traced the batch to a back-alley chemist who had synthesized the drugs and found that he had mistakenly created a neurotoxin precursor known as MPTP as part of the concoction.

    As it turned out, MPTP also resembled aspects of the chemical makeup of paraquat, a common herbicide, opening the door to the notion that perhaps chronic exposure to synthetic toxins was triggering Parkinson’s in aging patients the same way that the bad batch of heroin had in the users. Since then, advancements in molecular and genetic testing have continued to reinforce the idea.

    Recent studies have linked brain disorders with chronic exposure to cyanobacterial blooms, pesticides, air pollution and numerous other toxicants. Some researchers have gone so far as to describe Parkinson’s disease in particular as “man-made.”

    Well shit. Not what I was expecting to read in this article. ALS, Parkinsons, and Alzheimers are the three diseases that most terrify me. Something that hollows out who you are, leaving you semi conscious in a waking prison built of your own body. You can lose limbs and still be you. You can’t lose your brain and still be you. It’s a disease that destroys the ephemeral “you,” leaving only husk. To think that we could be the ones causing it, with our massive over-use of herbicides, is equally terrifying. Because just like with PFAS exacerbating all cancers, there are rich, influential firms with powerful lobbying groups actively fighting against the very regulation that could save us.

      1 month ago

      I completely agree with everything you’re saying, but I want to point out one thing that I absolutely hate about your citation:

      in one case as high as 15,000 times the test’s lowest detectable concentration

      This gives 0 context at all. I know scientific literacy is terrible in America, but this means nothing.

      What is the lowest detectable concentration? Is it 1 PPT? 15000 PPT is what, 15 PPM? Is that bad? I don’t know.

      This type of wording is used intentionally to make things sound worse than they are, and it works.

      I’m not saying they aren’t, I’m saying I don’t know if they are or not. This quote did nothing to inform me of how bad it is, just a fact that is entirely meaningless on its own, without context or education. If anything, it enraged me without knowing the facts, and that’s (potentially) very dangerous writing.

      25 days ago

      As if I needed another reason to feel good about not putting herbicides and pesticides on my yard. Who knows what prolonged exposure to that junk is doing to people that we don’t even begin to understand yet.