Opponents fear proposed bill could allow girls as young as nine to marry, erode women’s rights and give greater powers to clerics
A draft law in Iraq that would allow the marriage of girls as young as nine has provoked protests across the country, with women’s rights activists saying it would “legalise child rape”.
The Shia religious groups that dominate the political system in Iraq have been pushing to erode women’s rights in the country for more than a decade.
Unlike neighbouring Saudi Arabia, Iraq does not have a system of male guardianship requiring women to have the permission of a husband, father or male guardian to make crucial life choices such as marriage.
However, a new proposal, which passed its first reading in the Iraqi parliament this week, would give religious authorities the power to decide on family affairs, including marriage, divorce and the care of children.
Every Christian male just got a rockhard cock.
bUt ThE cHrIsTiAnS aRe AlSo BaD
Found the angry Christian
I won’t let you rage bait me, you clearly don’t have anything of worth to say
You’re already on my hook, Christian. Stop molesting kids in the name of god.
200 comments in 11 days?
JFC dude… I’ve never said this to anyone before, but I think you need Jesus.
Sorry, I’m not into raping kids.
Isn’t that what all the priests used to say?
That is a good example of Christian hypocrisy, thank you.