• BougieBirdie@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    2 months ago

    Some people will tell you, “Well ackshually it was for states’ rights,” but those states wanted to use those rights to enforce slavery.

    It strikes me as like the “guns don’t kill people, people kill people” argument. Like, wow, you’re totally right about the semantics, but at the cost of missing the point entirely.

    • Shanedino@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Also the people kill people thing points to a need for widespread free mental health services which they definitely don’t support.

      • netvor@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        people kill people

        I know! Le’ts ban murder then! That’ll fix it!

        (oh wait…)

    • CheeseNoodle@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Honestly as a non american I always thought the point of that statement was that its not guns that kill people its the way you hand them out like candy with the barest excuse for any kind of safety evaluation that kills people.

      • thisbenzingring@lemmy.sdf.org
        2 months ago

        The truth is that it’s not that easy to get a gun in the USA. It’s not difficult if you’re prepared and are eligible but there are some barriers that will keep a portion of people from getting a gun if they aren’t allowed to own one. The sad fact is, it’s way too easy to get a gun illegally.

        • cybersandwich@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          Dude. It’s pretty fucking easy to get a gun. You walk into a store, say “I’d like that one please”, they take your license and another form of id (literally could be a piece of mail), you fill out a form that says you aren’t a felon like Donald Trump, on drugs like Hunter b, a non-citizen, etc, run the most cursory of cursory background checks, and they hand you the gun.

          It can take like 10 minutes.

          Its harder and takes much longer to get your car registered than to buy a gun.

          The barriers are super low. And if you lie on the form, it’s typically not something people can check/vet and is only used after the fact so people can say “but he shouldn’t have gotten one,! He lied on the form!!”

          • imaqtpie@sh.itjust.works
            2 months ago

            Its harder and takes much longer to get your car registered than to buy a gun.

            Totally depends where you live. New York has some of the most comprehensive gun legislation in the world. It’s essentially impossible to get a permit for concealed carry.

            However, it’s quite trivial to obtain a gun illegally, as one can see from the crime statistics. Even though your complaint about the lack of gun control is true in some states, it’s obvious that even the most stringent gun regulations would have little to no effect on the availability of illegal firearms, which are disproportionately responsible for gun violence.

            • jaaake@lemmy.world
              2 months ago

              It should be literally impossible to get a concealed carry license anywhere in the world.

  • pedz@lemmy.ca
    2 months ago

    I’m an introvert, probably neurodivergent, and was bullied in school. I always thought public schools were not adapted for neurodivergent people and those that could not “fit in the mold”. I thought I didn’t receive enough attention. I always had more questions and were afraid to ask. So in a way could understand why some people would want to avoid that for their children, by homeschooling them.

    However, people like in this Tweet are the exact reason why homeschooling in my region (Québec/Canada) is generally frowned upon. It’s always people against vaccination, the religious and ignorants that pushes for homeschooling, and that’s also why it’s very difficult to have the right to do that here. Mennonites are actually leaving the province because of that.

    • radicalautonomy@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      As an autistic teacher (as in I am autistic, not that I teach only autistic kids), I am on the lookout for ND kids who have slipped through the cracks. One of them this year took under my wing, and she just flourished.

      When J would come into my on-level Algebra 2 class at the very beginning of this past school year, I could well recognize the fear of math lurking behind her glazed-over eyes and panicked microgestures. I suspected she was autistic due to her speech patterns, movements, and other things, so I put that idea on her counselor’s radar. Not sure what became of that, but it’s not my job to clock the counselors and diagnostician, so I just trusted they were doing their jobs. 😊

      I started with building trust with J, by insisting that she just try and then, when she got stuck in frustration, showing her the patience she deserved and guiding her with a smile through filling the gaps in her knowledge. Once she could see that I wasn’t going to jump on her wrong answers and make her feel even more stupid than she already felt, she was willing to follow through on just trying as I’d asked her to do every day. “Perfection is a myth, and Rome wasn’t built in a day. So just…try! Give yourself permission to be wrong, because that is the only way learning can happen.”

      And so she did…her grades for the six grading periods of the school year were (approximation) 70, 75, 81, 86, 92, and 98. By the fourth six weeks, she was asking for extra examples to try in class, and she insisted upon being able to understand how to do them before the period ended. I’m not sure if I could say she loved math after my class, certainly not as much as I love it, but she was no longer afraid of it, and she had developed the tenacity and self-efficacy she needed to show any future math class what for and no mistake.

      J really did my teacher heart proud!

      • quinacridone@lemmy.ml
        2 months ago

        As an autistic woman who was beyond inept at maths, I wish I’d had you as my teacher.

        I can always remember the day when I found out I’d scored around 12% and 8% on my simultaneous equations homework, and the teacher went through it on the board… I was so embarrassed that I went bright red, and even worse, my glasses steamed up

        I would love to understand and be able to do maths

        • captainlezbian@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          You still can learn! It’s horrible nobody took the time to teach you as a kid, and I’m not going to say it won’t feel awkward learning as an adult, but the information is out there and it’s valuable much like learning a foreign language to take the time bit by bit and be kind to yourself and learn.

          You may never find yourself a mathematician or engineer (though I won’t say you can’t, you may very well have that capacity in you even starting as an adult), but you can learn to not be scared of algebra and even to develop a general understanding of calculus.

          Paul’s Online Math Notes got me and possibly my sister through engineering school if you’re interested in a good resource for algebra and Calc at some point. But there are plenty of resources for arithmetic, trigonometry, statistics, and all that stuff out there. And most of all I can assure you math is worth taking the time as an adult. It can change the way you approach problems in a beneficial way and help you understand stuff like science better

          • quinacridone@lemmy.ml
            2 months ago

            Thank you, I’ve starred your comment so I can use the link later on. They do have adult education classes near me so I can also see if that’s appropriate.

            Your mentioning about the science is partly why I’d like to understand maths, I love science and the natural world. I know when I’m watching BBC documentaries that the info is accurate, but I’d like to see how the maths proves and supports it… or just be able to see the patterns it makes

            Ironically, my dad was an accountant and would go through my homework when I was in primary school. You’d think he would be helpful and supportive? Nope, he get angry and shout and tell me to “just think”…!

            I literally didn’t have a clue where or how the correct answer was supposed to pop into my head. Not very helpful at all

            • captainlezbian@lemmy.world
              2 months ago

              That’s terrible. You really deserved better. I was very fortunate as a child that my father actually did math problems with me on my bedroom whiteboard before bedtime stories as a little kid.

              And yeah the further you get into math the more science not only is explained by it but the more science makes it make sense. Calculus was a nightmare until I took physics and suddenly I could tie these abstract concepts and numbers to phenomena I’ve experienced my whole life, and with that more generalized understanding math gave I could extend it further and to less intuitive things.

              A lot of people are really bad at teaching math. For some people it just clicks and they often struggle to understand why it isn’t easy for everyone. And a lot of people learn to dread it, when it’s definitely something many people have an uncomfortable history with, but it’s really not scary, it just takes thinking a bit differently. It also doesn’t help that a lot of people, especially from older generations, were taught math by memorization instead of by investigation. And a lot of teachers below the high school level (and even many math teachers there) don’t really get why they’re teaching what they’re teaching and have a general dread of it. Rules and properties seem simple and pointless when you learn them because they’re easy to demonstrate there, but as you go further suddenly it does start to matter things like how you can move numbers without changing the answer. But for someone who more likely wanted to be teaching children things like reading and writing and probably took algebra if that in college they didn’t really understand why things they need to teach need to be taught, and they may not understand why they need to teach things like number sense.

              One other great tool is visual representations. Small candies like m&ms are the classic example, but basically moving things around in accordance to equations is an effective tool for building a sense of arithmetic and a baseline understanding of how real numbers work (real numbers just means numbers that you can actually have that many of a thing). And fractions while scary to many people are just a division problem you decided not to do

              • quinacridone@lemmy.ml
                29 days ago

                Hi, I took onboard your comment and checked out my local adult learning college. I’ve signed up to do a maths course, I’m going to see how it goes and try not to freak out or drop out!

                I just think if I can make sense of day to day maths, I’ll consider it time well spent. I would absolutely love to understand science and its mathy language, the mini test I had to had graphs to interpret (which I couldn’t) so who knows…?

                Anyway, thanks for the kind words, your encouragement and the friendly kick up the arse 👍 😍

                • captainlezbian@lemmy.world
                  27 days ago

                  That’s wonderful!!! Good job and good luck! And remember it’s ok not to get it immediately, math can be hard because it’s like a language but also a way of thinking. Also, I’ve never met a teacher who isn’t happy to spend office hours explaining things differently to someone who genuinely just wants to understand the course material.

                  I wish more people would pursue adult education the way you’re doing now, the pursuit of knowledge is one of the greatest virtues.

  • Delusional@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Could that be considered a form of child abuse? Then again if it is, brainwashed maga morons indoctrinate their kids into the dumbass way of thinking every day. It’s really sad to see kids holding trump signs. Parents making kids hold the sign of a child rapist’s name is extremely concerning.

  • jordanlund@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Bet she never read the Constitution, Confederate or otherwise:


    “In all such territory the institution of negro slavery, as it now exists in the Confederate States, shall be recognized and protected be Congress and by the Territorial government; and the inhabitants of the several Confederate States and Territories shall have the right to take to such Territory any slaves lawfully held by them in any of the States or Territories of the Confederate States.”

    • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      The articles of secession of every single state mention slavery as the primary motivation, usually within the first paragraph.

  • njm1314@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    And this is exactly why homeschooling exists. For the most part of course. It’s people who want a certain view of History taught and don’t want to have to worry about pesky things like facts or history or books. That’s why so much homeschooling is deeply Evangelical Christian, and somehow even the weirder branch of Evangelical Christians if that’s a thing, also why so much of it has Nazi shit involved. Yeah if you’ve never looked it up there’s a lot of Nazi propaganda in the homeschooling community. It’s just great…

    • InternetUser2012@lemmy.today
      2 months ago

      That’s not really true with everyone. I know a fair number of home schooled people and there were taught better than the schools. When you’re in school, you can only learn as fast as the slowest learning. The “smarter” kids are held back. When we were in lockdown from the pandemic, kids could learn at their own rate from the online classes, and half my sons class was done with the semesters curriculum before the first quarter was done. The teacher had to find more for them to do which resulted in half the class jumping a grade when everyone went back to school.

      I would let me kid do online schooling in a heartbeat if I could, he’d be miles ahead compared to going to school.

      • Ragnarok314159@sopuli.xyz
        2 months ago

        Yeah, strong “No true Scotsman” energy here.

        The vast majority of homeschooling parents are absolute weirdos who have no business teaching anyone, especially children.

        • Pulptastic@midwest.social
          2 months ago

          As a homeschooler who’s not that and has a group of other not thats, you’re right that many homeschoolers do it to restrict or provide incorrect education but you can’t generalize that to all.

            • bleistift2@sopuli.xyz
              2 months ago

              Lemmy threads aren’t formal writing, they’re textualized speech. Of course you’ll find non-standard phrasing. Note that the punctuation and spelling are correct.

              • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
                2 months ago

                What you call formal writing is what many people would call writing that is most easily understood.

  • KillingTimeItself@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    2 months ago

    well if we’re being semantically accurate here. It didn’t start because of slavery, slavery on its own very rarely does anything. It was the disagreement between the north and south on slavery itself, that caused the civil war. And of course, the iconic “states rights, to have slavery, but we dont talk about the slavery part because that’s inconvenient and makes us look bad”

    • VinnyDaCat@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      I mean it gets worse than that. You can really put it down to a southern overreaction. Lincoln was pretty upfront about being against the expansion of slavery and admitted prior to his presidency that he did not believe the president had the authority to outright end it. If the south had not seceded and started the civil war over their unfounded fears of losing slavery then it’s very likely that slavery would have existed in this country for a few more decades.

      The Lincoln - Horace Greeley correspondence really makes the country look bad on the issue overall, especially when you look to the Congress of Vienna’s statements on slavery which occurred roughly 50 years prior to the American Civil War.

      Edit: Before someone loses their mind, yes the war was about slavery, just going further in detail.

      • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        I can’t remember the exact details, but I read years ago that Lincoln actually made an anti-abolitionist joke involving talking about hanging one in a speech while running for senator.