This variety is called homemade pickles. I waiting until the first hot day of summer, which was June 8. I poured 1/2 cup of complete organic fertilizer into three spots each, then mixed it up with the soil. Then I billed those three spots up into low mounds 2 inches high and 18 inches wide. Then I watered the soil. After watering I pushed my fist deep into the middle of the hill and laid 5 seeds on top and sprinkled dry soil over. I DID NOT WATER until they sprouted, then I watered. As the days got hotter I laid down straw and watered wider and wider around avoiding the stem and the leaves. They just made the first male flower today. I’ll side dress fertilizer tomorrow. Hoping to can a years worth of pickles
The plants in front of them are called huazontle, a Mexican vegetable related to lambs ears.
Nope, fermented pickles are just brined in salty water and rely on naturally occurring bacteria to convert sugars into acid to become sour. Very easy to do and requires no canning or additional processing, you should try it