Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., has issued a dire warning to her party about the chaos that could ensue if they succeed in pushing President Joe Biden off the ticket. And she criticized Democrats whoā€™ve given off-the-record quotes that suggest the party has resigned itself to a second Trump term.

InĀ an Instagram Live video on Thursday, Ocasio-Cortez warned liberals that a brokered convention could lead to chaos, in part because she says some of the Democratic ā€œelitesā€ who want Biden outĀ alsoĀ donā€™t want Vice PresidentĀ Kamala HarrisĀ as the nominee in his place.

ā€œIf you think that is going to be an easy transition, Iā€™m here to tell you that a huge amount of the donor class and these elites who are pushing for the president not to be the nominee also do not want to see the VP be the nominee,ā€ she said.

Ocasio-Cortez claimed none of the people sheā€™s spoken with who are calling onĀ Biden to drop outĀ ā€” including lawmakers and legal experts ā€” have articulated a plan to swap out the nominee without minimizing the serious legal and procedural challenges that are likely to ensue.

Ocasio-Cortez also highlighted the racial, ethnic and class divisions that appear to have formed between the majority of thoseĀ pining to blow up the ticketĀ ā€” led mostly by white Democrats and media pundits ā€” and those elected officials who feel they and their constituents have too much at stake to upend the process at this point and so are willing to do the work to re-elect Biden-Harris. She alluded to this cultural divide in her video when she spoke out against anonymous sources expressing a sense of fatalism on behalf of Democrats about what might happen if Biden remains on the ticket:

What I will say is what upsets me is [Democrats] saying we will lose. For me, to a certain extent, I donā€™t care what name is on there. We are not losing. I donā€™t know about you, but my community does not have the option to lose. My community does not have the luxury of accepting loss in July of an election year. My people are the first ones deported. Theyā€™re the first ones put in Rikers. Theyā€™re the first ones whose families are killed by war.

    2 months ago

    I donā€™t think moneyed interest give a shit about progressivism as a whole, but the ā€œtax the richā€ components of progressivism scare the bejesus out of them.

    However, I think they are taking a huge risk betting that Trump and the Republicans will moderate their politics. If theyā€™re wrong, they might be about to unleash a monster they wonā€™t be able to control.

    I agree. Oligarchs are playing with fire here. If we go full fascism, money wonā€™t protect you from the violence of the state anymore. Your fortune 500 company, your mansions, your cars, your bank account, any and all can be seized to support the fascist regime. And if you protest, no matter how high your former social standing, youā€™ll get sent to a camp.

      2 months ago

      Well hey, the roman empire had a pretty good run for a bit. Letā€™s roll the dice and see /s

      In all seriousness I donā€™t know how America as a country can survive giving presidential authority to a insurrectionist figure head and open political pawn. Thereā€™s a point where you realise the political institutions do not and have not ever served your best interests and that sh*t always ends badly.

      2 months ago

      I donā€™t think moneyed interest give a shit about progressivism as a whole, but the ā€œtax the richā€ components of progressivism scare the bejesus out of them.

      Yeah, thatā€™s what I meant.

      2 months ago

      the ā€œtax the richā€ components of progressivism scare the bejesus out of them.

      Itā€™s not the ā€œtaxingā€ the rich that has them concerned. They see us sharpening our spoons.

        2 months ago

        Noā€¦ They donā€™t even see us as shadows anymore. We barely make an impact. Attempts to fight back are crushed by a self regulating system of oppression and order. They may commit to performative acts that make the rich look like they know whatā€™s going on but they couldnā€™t be bothered to care to think about if we are actually coming for them cause they are so detached from it all. Just look at the panic on their face anytime someone actually slips through the cracks and gets even near one of their yachts.

        They only see the big game being over and not being able to buy whatever they want and do anything they feel like to make a buck.

        They arenā€™t scared of us. Why should they be? Everything is designed to protect them.