The BOM is predicting a decent amount of rainfall and snow falling down to 900m. If true that will make for a good time to see snow in the ranges - hopefully the forecast will be correct this time…

  • tauOPM
    8 months ago

    In the areas of the Brindies you can drive to in winter the normal snow you get is basically in the looking nice category - a few cm deep if that and melts within the next day or so. It does indeed look nice though and makes the bush appear distinctly different.

    Up in the highest points of the Brindies (e.g. up near Mt Ginini/Gingera/Bimberi heights) this sort of forecast is likely to make enough snow to do actual snow sports like skiiing for a short period (depending on the weather possibly a week if not topped up). There’s no ski lifts up there or winter car access though so skiing in the Brindies would be more of the hike up and then cross country ski sort of thing. Historically there was a short ski run at Mt Franklin but it’s now overgrown and the DIY style rope lift is long gone.

    If you head down to the Snowies though the ski resorts will be very happy to get a decent amount of natural snow for their snow sports, it’ll definitely help them since we haven’t had much in the way of snow weather this year.

    • Gorgritch_Umie_Killa
      8 months ago

      Historically there was a short ski ramp at Mt Franklin but it’s now overgrown and the DIY style rope lift is long gone.

      I know it was probably dangerous, but its sad its gone. And i only just found out about it! :)