• intrepid@lemmy.ca
    4 months ago

    They got the Mumbai city police to restrict or outright block traffic on some busy streets during the week of the wedding celebrations. The police commissioner describes the event as a ‘public event’ in his order.

    Mumbai is the financial capital of India and its demography consists of one of the biggest metropolitan populations in the world, with everyone from the richest billionaire to the poorest of slum dwellers. The streets and trains are extremely busy and packed to their last square inch even on holidays. And then these filth block off these roads for a week!

    Needless to say, ordinary people and business owners are livid. But these scum have so much wealth and even an autocratic government as their servants that they don’t care about what others think. It’s an obscene display of wealth, corruption, undeserving power and an outright FU to the regular citizens.