I’d like to be talking about the positive aspects of Australia’s decarbonisation plans, and the policy choices between US-style tax incentives that lower electricity prices at the expense of budget deficits, and Australia’s certificate system, which raises electricity prices and but which does keep the government budget “pure.”

Even so, CEO Damien Nicks’ comments that AGL is “going as fast as we can” as quoted in the AFR strikes a very raw nerve in that it only reflects the f*** you approach the large gentailers have had for years.

How can investors invest in a company with so little ambition?

Origin Energy has done nothing in wind or solar, although its erstwhile suitor Brookfield talks a good game.

That is at least better than Origin and EA which, on current plans, are going to give up 100% of their coal market share.

But I find it hard to see management incentivising customers to shift.