These suburbs all provide stark reminders to governments of the problems associated with the suburban sprawl they have encouraged.

But these policies get sidelined when governments promote suburban sprawl and build more freeways.

Given the pro-sprawl political advocacy, the prospects of Adelaide’s largest ever greenfield development being good for children are rather poor, despite some encouraging steps by the government to ensure the new suburbs get adequate infrastructure.

If governments are serious about the needs of families with children, they could start by acknowledging children’s needs and rights to be able to get to their daily destinations without a car.

  • Treevan 🇦🇺OP
    10 months ago

    Concentrating people and then integrating and expanding wild areas is the only way to do it. You get all the ecosystem services as well as population density.

    I posted an article a ways back that suggested a vegetation corridor needed to be at least 450m wide on average. Never going to happen when we sprawl.