• dhork@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    The opinions of Biden seem to be all over the map, which is weird since he is the incumbent, and we all ought to know where he stands. There are lots of people (like you) who see the progressive things he has managed to get accomplished, even with a divided Congress in these past two years. Yet, there are others who perceive him as a right-of-center false choice.

    He has always had trouble defining himself, which I think is part of the reason he was a perennial Presidential Primary loser. His stutter didn’t help matters, nor his tendency to go off-script. But Trump’s ascendancy gave him the perfect opportunity to create a definition, even if that definition is “Not Trump”.

    • RedditReject@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      There is also a great deal of negative press out regarding Biden. Honestly if you look at policy and accomplishments he’s done quite a lot of good things. It is an uphill battle of course with Congress and the Supreme Court being what they are. We are a big country and it takes constant action to push it to a more equitable place for the majority of us.

      Frankly, I think Biden has done a lot to start that push. It will take a lot more though and we could backslide terribly if we don’t keep pushing.

    • Eldritch@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      This is on purpose. Building confidence is hard. Destroying it is easy. Plenty of domestic and foreign actors are heavily invested in mudding Waters surrounding biden. In hopes of him failing. Their candidates getting elected. Which is turning out even easier for them seeing as our corporate publicly traded media is eagerly assisting them.

      The fascists will fall in line and vote for whoever they’re offered. Simply because they’ve been told the opposite would be worse. Unfortunately the Democratic party is much more a coalition party of many disparate groups many who don’t see a lot of representation. Preferring to fall in love rather than falling in line. And they are Their Own Worst Enemy because of that.

      And even though it’s a low bar. If I didn’t Administration has delivered some of the biggest wins for labor in the last 100 years. He certainly not perfect. But the alternatives are absolutely worse. The question is are we going to be able to get our s*** together and not let ourselves be manipulated again.