The Wall Street JournalĀ owes its readers ā€”Ā and the public ā€” better.

The business broadsheetĀ published and hyped a storyĀ Wednesday declaring that ā€œbehind closed doors,ā€Ā President Joe BidenĀ has shown ā€œsigns of slipping.ā€ The story questioned Bidenā€™s mental acuity, playing into a GOP-propelled narrative that the 81-year-old president lacks the fitness to hold the nationā€™s highest office.

But an examination of the report reveals a glaring problem: Most of the sources reportersĀ Annie LinskeyĀ andĀ Siobhan HughesĀ relied on were Republicans. In fact, buried in the story, the reporters themselves acknowledged that they had drawn their sweeping conclusion based on GOP sources who, obviously, have an incentive to make comments that will damage Bidenā€™s candidacy.

ā€œMost of those who said Biden performed poorly were Republicans, but some Democrats said that he showed his age in several of the exchanges,ā€ Linskey and Hughes conceded. The duo also noted that they had spoken to sources in the administration ā€œwho found no faultā€ with the way Biden conducted himself in meetings for which they were present.

    27 days ago

    Back to the bullshit.

    Theyā€™re making fun of him looking for a chair behind him today. The man has arthritis. You get that as you age.

    He had a pretty good line in his speech. ā€œThe cost of the defeat of tyranny, is paid by the blood of the young and brave.ā€ So I can see how you would get caught up in the chair thing.

    Iā€™m sure somebody made fun of FDR and his wheelchair too.

    Anyway, bullshit hit pieces are kind of normal. Best thing to do is ignore them.