seems appropriate for June 1st. Bored Lord is a great artist and this album (Transexual Rave Hymns) is full of bangers

press release from 2019:

"Transsexual Rave Hymns is Bored Lord’s recent release from Knightwerk. As evoked from the title, this full album is a meditative, spiritual approach to dance music, specifically situated within Daria’s experience. Amongst the dissonance there is melody, and amongst the resilience there is despair. This duality allows for Daria to present a complex and honest portrait of what it means to exist as a trans woman, all within the context of highly danceable club tracks.

Pairing distorted pop with acid house, Rave Hymns blends genres to create a hypnotic club sound. The album moves between her signature energized sound (“Spit in Your Mouth,” “My Loneliness Is Killing Me”), to tracks that channel a contemporary take on classic rave sounds (“Broken Heart Broken Hearted,” “You Make Me Feel So Good”), to reflective, melodic trans anthems (“No More Hiding Who I Want To Be,” “Keep Your Hands Off My Body”). Rave Hymns firmly reflects Daria’s position not only within the tradition of other trans DJs, but at the forefront of a growing movement and sound.”