Context: The hierarchy at this job I once had (and still kind of have) went like this:
First, the four departments:
Technician, Navigator, Mechanic, Processor.
This one guy we hired was good at what he did, and he had years of experience from a different company. He was hired with the understanding that he’d take on the chief role after some time.
However, HR stupidity dictated that a certain duration with the company was required for various levels, so he had to start as a trainee. And pay was also linked to this, and he was supposed to be paid as a chief.
So I as a shift lead at that time had him working under me as Chief Trainee so he could learn our methods and systems before he got into the role as my Chief.
Chief Trainee.
Context: The hierarchy at this job I once had (and still kind of have) went like this:
First, the four departments:
Technician, Navigator, Mechanic, Processor.
Trainee tech/nav/mech/proc -> tech/nav/mech -> Shift Leader tech/nav/mech/proc -> Chief tech/nav -> Party Chief
This one guy we hired was good at what he did, and he had years of experience from a different company. He was hired with the understanding that he’d take on the chief role after some time.
However, HR stupidity dictated that a certain duration with the company was required for various levels, so he had to start as a trainee. And pay was also linked to this, and he was supposed to be paid as a chief.
So I as a shift lead at that time had him working under me as Chief Trainee so he could learn our methods and systems before he got into the role as my Chief.