Are you a fan of espresso, cold brew, aeropress? Do you try new beans and roasters regularly, or stay with what you know and love?

I generally prefer filter coffee (with a re-usable filter, no oil sucking paper!) or plunger, but currently have only the plunger because of lack of space. A good syphon can also be supurb. I’ve also started roasting my own beans - I’m definitely a long way from expert, but am getting pretty solid results and am am slowly improving.

  • Ilandar
    1 year ago

    I really like cold iced coffee with full cream milk with or without a scoop of ice cream, although lately I have been drinking more straight espresso or long blacks (sometimes flat whites too) due to the cold weather. I have a little Nespresso pod machine with some resusable stainless steel pods that I fill with coffee I grind myself. Before this current one I had a larger and cheaper Nescafe machine (also with resuable pods) that I’ve since passed on to a family member. The beans don’t really matter too much to me - I just rotate between different stuff depending on my mood or what’s on special.

    I have a bunch of other things that I use less, like one-cup filters, plungers, etc. I also tried cold brewing for a while last year but eventually got bored with that and went back to the ol’ faithful pod machine. I’d like to have a proper coffee machine but in terms of size and affordability it’s unrealistic. One of the things I like about my current setup is that it still replicates a lot of the things I enjoyed about making coffee on a proper machine when I worked in the industry. I still have full control over the fineness of the grind, the weight of the shot, the force of the tamp, the length of the shot, etc. I really enjoy going through the ritual every morning of preparing the shot (another reason why I prefer espresso to filtered and cold brew coffee).