This time of year is meant to be filled with joy and family get-togethers, but not everyone has family or anything to be happy about. So are you ok?

  • DirigibleProtein
    10 months ago

    Thank you for asking! As a matter of fact, no, not really.

    My partner has post traumatic stress and is an alcoholic but has been trying to give up for years (“That trick never works! This time, for sure”). The next day, she doesn’t remember all the stupid things she said and did the day before.

    Her adult son is living with us; he’s autistic but refuses to acknowledge it. He’s rude, selfish, disrespectful, and inconsiderate to others. If he was “normal” (whatever the hell that even means) then I could discuss his behaviour, but he also barely talks.

    Her daughter has moved out because she can’t stand the drinking, we hardly ever hear from her any more.

    My ex-wife kicked out our adult son a week ago because our youngest is mentally unstable (bipolar? schizophrenic? refuses to see any kind of specialist for help) and violent, so it’s better if he’s not there “so he doesn’t trigger her” (Actually not “her”, incidentally they has come out as gender-fluid non-binary). Now he doesn’t want to see anyone, hiding in our spare room. He doesn’t have any furniture because we haven’t been able to move his stuff yet. He stays up until all hours playing computer games and only comes out for food. Doesn’t want to do Xmas, he’s going away camping with friends.

    Although I’m in remission from cancer, I’m extremely physically fatigued all the time, but doing all the housework because otherwise it won’t get done. At least I can’t work, I don’t have the energy for that as well.

    Merry fucking Christmas!