• Whirlybird
    1 year ago

    Puberty blockers have not been approved for use with “gender dysphoria”. They have only been approved for precocious puberty and for chemical castration of sex offenders. Using them to stop puberty for sometimes 10+ years is completely experimental and there have been zero long term studies on the effects. We already know there are some massive permanent side effects such as complete loss of sex drive and inability to orgasm, infertility, lower bone density leading to early onset osteoporosis and other bone condition, lack of physical development in genitals/height/etc, lack of mental development, among others. None of these are reversible.

    What you remembered was wrong about taking kids from their parents. Like I said, it’s the other way around - places have made it so the government can take your kids if you don’t give them “gender affirming” care. That’s horrible and wrong.

    “Gender affirming” stuff isn’t health care. It’s akin to getting breast implants. It’s elective surgery. No one is denying actual health care to minorities.

    If you can’t find anyone offering “gender affirming surgery” to minors then you’ve got your head in the sand, or you’re being disingenuous. A quick google will give you hundreds of links about <18 year olds getting mastectomies. And again - if it “doesn’t happen” then why are the LGBTQ+ activists so violently against making it illegal to do it?

    • FluffyPotato@lemm.ee
      1 year ago
      1. Like any medical organization I looked up has approved puberty blockers for trans stuff so again, I can’t find any place that says its not approved or experimental. As for the side effects like half of those seem made up as I can’t find any source that claims that. Stunted development and lack of bone density was the only one I could find a medical source for. Bone density loss is temporary since you regain in when taking any sex hormones. I found a claim for stunted mental development and one study for it too but kids on puberty blockers seem to catch up to kids not on puberty blockers after a year or two so that is also irrelevant. Stunted penile development seems like the only non fully reversible part. Height actually has the opposite effect funnily enough: hormones actually stop growth, not induce it so if you don’t get any sex hormones at all you end up looking like slender an. As for infertility: kids are not fertile, fertility develops during puberty because of sex hormones and it seems to develop normally after getting off puberty blockers at least according to medical sources. The inability to orgasm seems to be made up as there doesn’t seem to be a source for it. So in conclusion: one of those is irreversible, a smaller dick, not exactly life altering consequences.

      2. No, it seems florida is taking kids, if you can find a source to contest this I can look at it but that is accurate.

      3. Gender affirming care is absolutely healthcare, at least according to medical sources. Like something credible that claims otherwise and I’ll have a look but from what I can find that’s just wrong.

      4. There are lone and extreme examples of minors receiving gender affirming care but the general practice for hormones or surgery is 18 and up from what I can find. Even in your example it’s someone who is 18. Also a mastectomy is not always a gender affirming treatment, you can get both breast enlargement and reduction as a minor with your parents permission and that has been the case since forever.

      If you make a bunch of unfounded claims without credible sources I’m going to ignore it the next time since all your claims seem provably false but it takes 20x longer to disprove them.

      • Whirlybird
        1 year ago

        Not FDA approved for “gender dysphoria”. Using them for it is an “off label” use. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/11/well/family/what-are-puberty-blockers.html

        A “smaller dick” is an understatement. Imagine an 18 year old kid with a penis the size of a 10 year olds - that’s what they get. A micro penis.

        Bone density does not recover. https://www.mayoclinic.org/medical-professionals/endocrinology/news/managing-skeletal-issues-in-transgender-and-gender-nonconforming-individuals/mac-20477707

        As for inability to orgasm: https://thepostmillennial.com/gender-affirming-surgeon-admits-children-who-undergo-transition-before-puberty-never-attain-sexual-satisfaction

        As for infertility, unless you go through puberty you’re infertile. Using puberty blockers and then taking cross sex hormones means you’re infertile.

        As for surgery on minors, it happens all the time: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/26/health/top-surgery-transgender-teenagers.html

        I’m saying “gender affirming” care isn’t health care in the same way that other elective surgeries aren’t either. It’s got nothing to do with “health”.

        • FluffyPotato@lemm.ee
          1 year ago

          None of these are studies… One is even a fucking tabloid… I said CREDIBLE source. I’ll go over them since I’m bored but when someone says credible source use Google scholar and you have a chance of getting a result that at least looks credible.

          1. The FDA is some government org in the US, right? As I said I was talking about medical organisations and pretty much all of those have approved puberty blockers for trans healthcare.

          2. That is false. The situation you described can only happen if someone started puberty blockers at 10 and started taking estrogen and testosterone blockers at 18. As in never had testosterone. In that situation penis size is not really a factor anyway.

          3. That page on bone density doesn’t even mention anything about minors starting on puberty blockers. Or bone density not recovering. Did you link a random Google result without reading it?

          4. A newspaper looking like a tabloid making the claim by a surgeon that if someone is on puberty blockers they won’t orgasm. Not only is the source ridiculous, a surgeon is as qualified of making that claim as a mathematician.

          5. Yes, if you never go through puberty you are infertile. Puberty blockers don’t cause you to become sterile forever as you claimed.

          6. Why are you linking newspaper articles instead of studies? Especially one behind a paywall?

          • Whirlybird
            1 year ago

            Why are you linking newspaper articles instead of studies?

            Because there are no studies, that’s the point!

            There are no long term studies on all these “gender affirming” treatments. It’s experimentation. That’s why more and more countries are banning them citing lack of long term studies and knowledge of long term effects.

            You’re just hand waving away everything that proves my point so I’m done here as you’re clearly not actually open to learning.

            • FluffyPotato@lemm.ee
              1 year ago

              Of course there are, just use Google scholar also I hope you don’t consider tabloid newspapers as learning.

              Also countries aren’t banning trans healthcare as far as I know and even if they were that would be a political move, once medical organisations do that I would consider looking into why. Politicians have like zero clue about healthcare and those decisions should be left for doctors.