Come back warm weather please, sick of being so cold

  • 𝚝𝚛𝚔
    2 years ago

    I want summer in the morning and afternoon, but winter during the day.

    Too cold to get moving in the morning at the minute, but then its perfect during the day… but once you get home after work its all dark and cold and gloomy.

    If we need daylight savings anywhere its in winter I reckon. Give us some afternoon sunlight back. Sick of leaving for work in the dark and getting home from work in the dark.

    • Zagorath
      2 years ago

      If we need daylight savings anywhere its in winter I reckon

      The problem with that is it would mean it’s still dark until like 8am. Really bad for people who want to do exercise in the morning.

      (That’s in addition to all the terrible things about daylight saving time in general, in terms of public health outcomes and economics.)