If you have thoughts on what you would prefer to see in content or NOT to see, add a comment here (make an anonymous account if you want) and let me (the mod team) know.

Ideally, I would prefer users to talk about local issues to them rather than me adding mostly boring news content.

If you have local blogs, independent news, landcare or catchment groups, etc., post it so we can see. You can also add content to the list so we dont lose track of it.

  • Treevan 🇦🇺OPM
    11 months ago

    Thank you.

    I know you’ve commented so it’s all good. I’m not worried about the comments too much but I just want to know if I just keep expanding, or cutting content etc.

    It’s really hard to find things that aren’t regularly posted by news organisations, and search engines aren’t the best. Plus, my personal exposure might be different to other people’s, little catchment groups and charities etc that I couldn’t possibly know of. I’ll keep an eye out.

    Thanks for the comment 😉