I finished work a bit early today, went for a walk, met a friend at a newly opened pub, watched the football with a few pints and just got back home.

Another fun Friday to put into the box of fun Fridays

What’s going on in your corner of the world?

  • DiaDeLosMuertos
    12 hours ago

    Well It’s Saturday morning here in Australia. Yesterday I finished work at noon as is normal at this job. Had a Chiro appointment, then got home, had a beer then headed out to my block of land to mark out where I want my shipping containers placed. That’s happening in the next few hours.

    I then came home, drank a few more beers, watched a spy movie and had a few Jim Beams and Coke. Went to bed early as I get up at 3:40 am for work so I’m rather tired by early evening.

    I’m from Stockport originally, I’m assuming that you’re in the UK somewhere ? Cheers. Enjoy your weekend.

    • 9point6@lemmy.worldOP
      1 hour ago

      Cheers, hope you have/are having a good weekend too. I’m intrigued by your shipping containers. Are you getting something delivered, shipping something or doing something interesting with the containers themselves?

      Funnily enough I live about a 15 minute drive from Stockport, I’m happy to report we’re currently having our one weekend of sun for the year.