Accepted a job in Brisbane. Moving from the Southwest US.

Apparently Grace Removals will be shipping our stuff.

We have a kid that’ll be eligible for 1st year in January. Public or private school?

How did the housing market get so bonkers?

Am I going to have to bring extra ketchup through customs for my kid, or is the tomato sauce close enough to make an easy switch?

  • Dave.
    3 days ago

    It was semi necessary at the time, there is a window of boomers who have very little super as the majority of their working life was before mandatory super requirements got to useful levels.

    So - get them into cheap investment property with negative gearing and CG discounts, let them build up equity, sell the family home/pay off mortgage when reaching retirement, use the cash and investment property to live a better life than just the pension.

    It’s not particularly necessary now, but we’ve let that horse well and truly bolt and every man+dog is into investment property now.