Accepted a job in Brisbane. Moving from the Southwest US.
Apparently Grace Removals will be shipping our stuff.
We have a kid that’ll be eligible for 1st year in January. Public or private school?
How did the housing market get so bonkers?
Am I going to have to bring extra ketchup through customs for my kid, or is the tomato sauce close enough to make an easy switch?
Got it, smuggling in cases of Dr Pepper in our lift. Check. Do you prefer your kickback in cans or cash?
I need one of those 15L BIB boxes from a post mix system. We actually work on post mix systems so I can rig up my own personal Dr Pepper station here and just generally do this all day:
(Photo taken at some dodgy truckstop where I bought a “small” cup and came away with well over 1L of fizzy drink).