Well this is absolutely frightening in so much that Trump is going to force his way into Canada via military operations by claiming fentanyl as a weapon of mass destruction.
Anyone remember the Bush Administration and WMDs they said were there but never were?
Elbows up Canuck’s. The time to prepare is most likely closer than we think.
I had fent for abdominal surgery.
I got it for a wrist reconstruction, the nurse said ill give you some fentayll now and I asked isn’t that the drug that’s killing everyone?
Her answer before I was off with the fairies.
“Yeah but you won’t know if you die”
There’s heaps of stuff in hospitals that’ll kill you. I was given oxycontin for an abscess turned septic. Within an hour of it wearing off I was jonesing for another and I’ve never abused opiates recreationally. I’ve even taken a bunch of opium in Laos years ago and found it very easy to stop when I left. The oxy made me immediately want more. The fent I never felt going in and I didn’t want more once I was awake again.