We do not accept that our client was behaving provocatively,” the letter read.

The claims made by the restaurant on social media but rejected in Ms Giles’ letter include that her client made serious threats against staff; asked, “Do you have a problem with me because I am Jewish?“; is a “Zionist provocateur” associated with “a far-right hate group”; repeatedly taunted the server by saying “shalom” to provoke an antisemitic outburst; and said “you Arabs make good tea”.

The legal letter set out what Ms Giles called “incontrovertible facts” that, after purchasing tea in the restaurant, an incident occurred in the street during which her client claims he was called an idiot by a female staff member.

After attempting to walk away, her client was pursued by a female staff member who said his actions were “f—ing shameful”, Ms Giles’ letter claimed.

“You picked the wrong restaurant to try this shit in,” the woman allegedly said.

In addition to telling Ms Giles’ client to “f— off” and “get out of our community”, the woman is alleged to have said she had a problem with the “divisive journalism” and “we don’t need what you just did”, and that there should be “peace from both sides”.

  • Taleya
    16 days ago

    Tl;dr for the unaware:

    Murdoch rag put a mole as the jewiest caricature possible, stuck him in an arab-owned business, did a little mild provocation and planned on filming the results for an antisemitism hysteria piece.

    This bullshit was immediately spotted by staff and told to gtfo